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Attitude towards Landsvirkjun

Figure 1. Responces to the question Are you positive or negative towards Landsvirkjun?*


Figure 2. Response rate of positive, neutral and negative. Under the category Positive are the answers of participants who said they were: Very positive and Rather positive. Under the category Negative are the answers of participants who said they were: Very negative and Rather negative.


Figure 3. Average answers to the question Are you positive or negative towards Landsvirkjun? It is calculated according to the following formula: [Very positive (amount x 10) + rather positive (amount x 7.5) + Neutral (amount x 5) + Rather negative (amount x 2.5) + Very negative (amount x 0) / Total number of answers.*

*The survey in Oct-Nov. '08 was the first survey that was a mixed telephone and online survey, but before that the surveys were only by telephone. Consequently, developments between 2007 and 2008 should be interpreted accordingly.

Updated: June 6, 2024
Source: Capacent Gallup opinion poll 2023

Attitude towards Alcoa Fjarðaál

Figure 4. Responces to the question Are you positive or negative towards Alcoa Fjarðaál?


Figure 5. Response rate of satisfied, neither nor and dissatisfied. Under the category, Positive are the answers of participants who said they were: Totally positive, Very positive and Rather positive. Under the category, Negative are the participants' answers: Completely negative, Very negative and Rather negative.


Figure 6. Average answers to the question "How positive or negative are you towards Alcoa Fjarðaál?" on a scale of 1 - 7. It is calculated according to the following formula: [Totally positive (amount x 7) + Very positive (amount x 6) + Rather positive (amount x 5) + Neutral (amount x 4) + Rather negative (amount x 3) + Very negative (amount x 2) + Completely negative (amount x 1)] / Total number of answers.

Updated: June 6, 2024
Source: Capacent Gallup opinion poll 2023

You can view Capacent's opinion poll reports in the reports database.

Metrics, Targets and Monitoring Protocol

What is measured?

Survey of community attitudes – percent of survey respondents rating Alcoa performance on community relations, communications, and presence of the projects as good or better. (Project effect: direct).

Monitoring Protocol

Survey conducted by Gallup every year for both companies.


75% of the East Iceland population respond positive towards Fjardaal and Landsvirkjun.

Possible countermeasures

The companies can contribute positive image using good procedure.

Changes of indicator

This indicator was originally number 33.1. It was then named Community Rating of Alcoa and Landsvirkjun Performance and can be found under that number in documents of the project from 2005 and 2006.

The indicator number has been changed twice.

Table 1. Changes to name and number of indicator
Year Nr. Indicator name
2020 4.2.1 Community's attitude towards the companies
2007 1.19 Community Rating: Attitude towards Alcoa and Landsvirkjun

Figure 7. Responces to the question "Are you positive or negative towards Landsvirkjun?" and "Are you positive or negative towards Alcoa Fjarðaál?" in December 2004-2005

Rationale for Indicator Selection

It is important for Alcoa and Landvirkjun to be good members of the East Iceland community in addition to a good steward of the environment. By accepting responsibility as a community steward, Alcoa can foster continued local support.

From phase I/II report on indicators and baseline from April 2005

Further reading

Alcoa-Fjarðaál - Viðhorf íbúa Mið-Austurlands

Alcoa-Fjarðaál - Viðhorf íbúa Mið-Austurlands


Lýsing á rannsókn

Unnið fyrir: Alcoa Fjarðaál
Markmið: Að kanna viðhorf til Alcoa Fjarðaáls og þróun þar á
Framkvæmdatími: 21. nóvember - 21. desember 2023
Aðferð: Síma- og netkönnun
Úrtak: Einstaklingar á Austurlandi, 18 ára og eldri, handahófsvaldir úr þjóðskrá. Gagnasöfnun var hætt þegar rúmlega 500 svörum var náð.
Verknúmer: 4035066
Fjöldi svarenda: 506

You can view more material related to the indicator by clicking on the link above.