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Figure 1. Number of work related accidents reported annually due to Fljótsdalsstöð power plant and Alcoa Fjarðaál. Accidents causing two days or more off work are recorded. NOTE! Alcoa Fjarðaál's figures cover both contractors and employees.
Table 1. Number of work related accidents during construction of Fljótsdalsstöð power station and Alcoa Fjarðaál smelter. Work related accidents causing two days or more off work are recorded.
Company / Year 2004 2005 2006 2007
Bechtel 0 2 2 1
Impregilo - - 1139a  
Landsvirkjun     7 5
a: Statistics for Impregilo are accumulated from the start of construction of Kárahnjúkavirkjun power plant until the end of November 2006.
Figure 2. Frequency of work related accidents at Alcoa Fjarðaál smelter and Landsvirkjun reported as H200, number of work related accidents per 200.000 hours worked ("Lost Workday Incident Rate").
Table 2. Number of work related accidents at building contractors reported as H-value, i.e. number of work-related accidents for every 100,000 hours worked.
Year / Company Bechtel a Impregilo Fosskraft Suðurverk Arnarfell
2004 0,0 - - - -
2005 0,16 12,1 3,2 0,55 4,65
2006 0,11 13,8 - 0,7 3,5
2007 0,10 - - - -

Updated: January 5, 2022 (Landsvirkjun)
Bectel 2005-2007, Impregilo 2007 og Alcoa Fjarðaál og Landsvirkjun, 2009-2022

Metrics, Targets and Monitoring Protocol

What is measured?
  1. Number of work related accidents reported annually at Kárahnjúkavirkjun power plant and Fjarðaál (Project effect: direct).
  2. Frequency of work related accidents expressed as H-number (H200) i.e. number of time loss injuries per 200,000 hours worked at Landsvirkjun, Alcoa Fjarðaál and sub contractors (Project effect: direct).
Monitoring Protocol

Statistic from contractors is available through monthly reports to companies. Fjarðaál EHS team collects information for Fjarðaál during operation. Landsvirkjun Engineering and Implementation Department collects information for the operational phase of the hydropower station. Every incident is recorded.

    1. During construction
      1. Kárahnjúkavirkjun power plant:  Number of accidents will remain constant or decrease over time (target set from beginning of 2006) 
      2. Alcoa Fjarðaál: No reported accidents.
    2. After operation starts: Fljótsdalsstöð Power Station and Fjarðaál smelter: No accidents
    1. During construction
      1. Kárahnjúkavirkjun power plant: Number of accidents will remain constant or decrease over time (target set from beginning of 2006) 
      2. Alcoa Fjarðaál: No accidents
    2. After operation starts
      1. Fljótsdalsstöð: No accidents leading to absence from work.
      2. Fjarðaál: No accidents leading to absence from work.

After operation starts: Fljótsdalsstöð Power Station and Fjarðaál smelter: No accidents

Possible countermeasures
  • The companies issue safety requirements and policy

Changes of indicator

In annual general meeting May 3, 2016 a change in wording was approved.

Table 3. Changes accepted in annual general meeting 2016
Orginal text Changed text
b. Time lost due to injury per year as reported by Alcoa, Landsvirkjun, and their sub-contractors.

b. Frequency of work related accidents expressed as H-number (H200) i.e. number of time loss injuries per 200,000 hours worked at Landsvirkjun, Alcoa Fjarðaál and sub contractors.

Rationale for change: It is impossible to measure number of work-hours lost because of work related injuries. H-value however is a common metric for accident frequency and makes comparison with other companies and areas possible.

It was decided in the forth phase of the initiative to change the numbers of the sustainability indicators. This indicator was originally number 4.1 and is referenced as 4.1 in early documents of the project.

This indicator was originally number 4.1. It was then named Alcoa and Landsvirkjun Employee Safety and Health and can be found under that number in documents of the project from 2005 and 2006.

The indicator number has been changed twice.

Table 4. Changes to name and number of indicator
Year Nr. Indicator name
2020 4.1.6 Employee Safety
2007 1.3 Employee Safety at Landsvirkjun and Alcoa Fjarðaál


Table 5. Baseline 2007
  Alcoa Fjarðaál Landsvirkjun
Number of work related accidents in 2007 1  
Frequency of work related accidents in 2007 (H200) 0,7 0,31

Rationale for Indicator Selection

Alcoa and Landsvirkjun can have a direct influence on their employees' health and safety. The companies can, for instance, directly influence and manage the risk of accidents through implementation of an Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) program. Assessing and mitigating the risk of accidents during construction and operation of the projects should reduce the likelihood of accidents and forced injury related time off.

From phase I/II report on indicators and baseline from April 2005

Further reading

Ársfundur sjálfbærniverkefnis

Ársfundur sjálfbærniverkefnis


Kynning Geirs Sigurpáls Hlöðverssonar á ársfundi Sjálfbærniverkefnisins 2011.

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